The story

Geen bron groter
dan de zon!

Shoot a TV commercial while flying in a hot air balloon, they said.
It will be fun, they said. And it was!

Thanks to GBL Studio and MR Solar we had the chance to ascend to higher realms and work with the one and only Jacques Vermeire. Not in his overalls this time, but in a pilot uniform. In just 20 seconds he explains why you should opt for solar panels.

What was only a few seconds for you, was a long-term project for us. From scriptwriting, storyboarding, costuming and shooting to editing, grading and compositing.
The sky is the limit, no?


MR Solar Group


GBL Studio


Concept by GBL Studio.
Written, directed and edited by Het Peloton.

Director  Helena Aernoudts
Producer  Karen Huysman
Executive producer  Martijn D’haene

On set producer  Maxine Basstanie
Production assistant  Sarah Tonnard

Cinematographer  Corneel Beernaert
Gaffers  Robbe Meykens, Symeon Verbeke
Sound recordist  Jori Hernalsteen

Drone operator  Luc Dierickx
  Debbie Debrauwer

Editor  Victor Gouhie
Storyboard artist  Juno Kerkhof

Cast  Jacques Vermeire
Management Jacques  Thomas Lowette

Balloonist  Ramses Vanneste

GBL Studio  Charlotte Dejaegere
MR Solar  Kimberley Dewilde

Thanks to  Ministerie van Creatieve Zaken
Steven de Vreese, Robin Dhondt

Let’s make great content together.
Take a ride with us!