Thank you for the gift of cinema

Thank you video

Every end-of-year brings new opportunities. New opportunities to send your ‘thank you & best wishes’ into the world in an original way. That was exactly what Cinionic was thinking. And as their trusted partner, we lend them a creative hand.


Cinionic wanted to thank the whole cinema industry. From screenwriters, producers and actors to editors, studios, movie theaters and you, the moviegoer! We came up with a concept based on the blockbuster movie posters we all recognize. We made up eight fictional film posters, each one themed in a different genre to address a different target group. Afterwards, they were brought to life in a cinematic animation and with captivating voice-over.

The result

We delivered the final video on a really short notice so that the message could reach its international target audience on time en send them into the holiday season with a bang!



Our ride

Directed, designed and animated by our Peloton team,
in collaboration with these partners:
Designer  Frederic Tilleman

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